Saturday, May 30, 2009

Last of London!!

Last bits of fun from London! It was a great experience (at times too cloudy, rainy, and i-have-too-much-free-time-should- have-volunteered for my taste), but I made a group of great friends, many of whom will travel to Shanghai with me in the fall.

I was also fortunate enough to meet some wonderful Brits that completely changed my perspective on life, camaraderie, indoor picnics, and everything in between. As expected my GPA took a pretty bad hit but I got to explore much of London and Europe so it was definitely worth it!

Regent's Park! It was pretty impressive, one of the larger parks in and included a man-made lake, which is perfect for...

Boating with your new bffs & favorite student life advisor! As usual, the guys had to do all the work

...though this was not the case in some other boats.

The park also had some really impressive gardens. Glad I got to see London in full bloom

Next: Camden Town, where the young, hip, and rebellious gather for tattoos, piercings, and a heck of a lot of sodium-saturated Asian food.
also a great deal of souvenir shopping can be done in the area. After a semester of "souvenir shopping" throughout Europe, I've learned its pretty much a euphemism the girls like to use for jewelery shopping
me on Millennium Bridge on a sunny day
One last shot of London's icon, Big Ben! my parents wanted me to bring back a box of cookies that were unmistakably from London. I got two boxes; one was a double decker red bus with chocolates, and another of Big Ben and Buckingham Palace photos engraved on the top.

and thus concludes my semester in London :-) i'm anxious to go back and see what London is like during the summer, I'm sure it's incredible... and warm... and fun. Hopefully i'll find out sometime in the near future!

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