Thursday, May 7, 2009


We finally made it to Espana! i was looking forward to this the most, porque he estudiado espanol para seis anos en high school. i printed out 30+ pages of vocab, grammar, phrases and touched up on my spanish during the previous train rides and flights. turns out a lot of people speak english in barcelona... too bad...

anyhoo barcelona is a playground for the senses. everything looks great- the city is clean and green, lined with trees everywhere. there are so many fountains all over in plazas and near important buildings. and of course gaudi left his mark in barcelona.

the chicken paella was delicious! paired with a good sangria... mmmm
we lived right off of las ramblas, a famous street of performers, parakeet and other pet shops, and lots of pickpockets. fun fun!

las ramblas during the day. its a lil' sketch at night, swarming with prostitutes and undercover cops.
statue looking person. some of the other people looked rather terrifying

entrance to miro's park. we ultimately took a hop-on-hop-off bus tour of barcelona. i used to think it was for old people who were afraid of getting lost and having fun finding their way around... but bus tours are extremely useful especially for cities that are huge.
la sagrada familia! its enormous and something only gaudi could have come up with
still incomplete, but beautiful. cant wait till its completed, but these sorts of projects never make the expected deadlines.. i think its 2020 or sometime close to that.
parc guell, really crazy decorations and design. the girls spent a lot of time here, buying jewelery from numerous vendors. and yes i picked up something too =]
gherkin in barcelona? no.. its the torre agbar!

Casa Battlo. Didnt get a chance to go inside, but quite stunning from the street.
parrots flying around in parc miro
La Pedrera, another one of Gaudi's masterpieces.
and of course the beach, Barceloneta. it was rather chilly so we didnt get to go in the water, but still had a neat little picnic on the beach.

1 comment:

  1. HEY. How could you not tell me about your posting pics here D:
