Saturday, May 2, 2009


Berlin was thoroughly enjoyable and relaxing. most of our highlights in the city were from a great free walking tour, getting a good overview of some sites and history. the first night we were there we found they dont really serve "boots" drinks in berlin, though they still sold a lot of those shotglasses.

i started my morning off right with currywurst and strawberry milk. yum? the combination probably wasnt the greatest idea but it was something to try

brandenburg gate. you're pretty much a nobody until youve passed through the gate. all important international conquerers/ dictators/ leaders of germany have done so.
memorial for the Jews lost in the Holocaust. its very close to the parliament building, and other key sites- this was done intentionally
the hotel where michael jackson felt the urge to dangle Blankets Michael Jackson out of a window.
a mural depicting the wonders of socialism and communism. the reality was far from this dream.
berlin wall- this was the reality Germans faced when the East was shut off from the west. It would divide families and Germany until 1989. The Soviet Union by then had run out of funding- it was just economically inferior to Western Europe and GDP per capita was many times lower

Berliner Dom. looks old, but actually built in the 20th century! the weather was perfect!

the railing of a bridge in berlin
turkish pizza! germany has a huge turkish immigrant population

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