Saturday, May 30, 2009

Last of London!!

Last bits of fun from London! It was a great experience (at times too cloudy, rainy, and i-have-too-much-free-time-should- have-volunteered for my taste), but I made a group of great friends, many of whom will travel to Shanghai with me in the fall.

I was also fortunate enough to meet some wonderful Brits that completely changed my perspective on life, camaraderie, indoor picnics, and everything in between. As expected my GPA took a pretty bad hit but I got to explore much of London and Europe so it was definitely worth it!

Regent's Park! It was pretty impressive, one of the larger parks in and included a man-made lake, which is perfect for...

Boating with your new bffs & favorite student life advisor! As usual, the guys had to do all the work

...though this was not the case in some other boats.

The park also had some really impressive gardens. Glad I got to see London in full bloom

Next: Camden Town, where the young, hip, and rebellious gather for tattoos, piercings, and a heck of a lot of sodium-saturated Asian food.
also a great deal of souvenir shopping can be done in the area. After a semester of "souvenir shopping" throughout Europe, I've learned its pretty much a euphemism the girls like to use for jewelery shopping
me on Millennium Bridge on a sunny day
One last shot of London's icon, Big Ben! my parents wanted me to bring back a box of cookies that were unmistakably from London. I got two boxes; one was a double decker red bus with chocolates, and another of Big Ben and Buckingham Palace photos engraved on the top.

and thus concludes my semester in London :-) i'm anxious to go back and see what London is like during the summer, I'm sure it's incredible... and warm... and fun. Hopefully i'll find out sometime in the near future!

Monday, May 25, 2009

St. Paul's at night

around late april (so a month ago really) a couple of us headed to Shakespeare's Theatre to see Romeo and Juliet. we experienced it as the Londoners would have hundreds of years ago; this meant there were no seats and we stood for three hours! it was pretty intense and despite the decorative stage and interesting play, i couldnt pay attention and only thought about how much my legs hurt.

but on a higher note, when i left the show at 11 PM this is the view i was rewarded with. St Paul's lit up glowing against the Thames River.

Sunday, May 24, 2009


Madrid was the last stop for my 2009 eurotrip. i was completely exhausted by the time i got to the city: too much partying in barcelona, combined with the growing fear of not completing a deathly presentation for management class soon due put me in a pretty bad state of mind upon arriving in madrid. on top of that i lost my phone somewhere between barcelona and madrid (i seriously still have no idea what happened to it) which meant i wouldnt be able to roam around on my own like i had done in some of the other cities. but despite all this, i really did enjoy Madrid and will definitely go back in the future. now some pictures!

a TERRIBLE way to start things off... and by no means related to madrid at all... butttttt lindsay lohan found a way to make quick cash by modeling for fornarina! everyone's favorite former it-girl actress turned uninsurable, unreliable, unhealthy party animal still looks pretty good and fits right into the Calle de Fuencarral scene, a street full of boutique and apparel stores.

Palacio Real. we didnt want to pay the admission fee to go in, so this is the closest we could get. it was situated on a hill overlooking the city, and im sure during sunny days the view would be splendid.

puerto del sol. a statue of the bear climbing a madrono tree, the symbol of madrid. this was where our free tour should have met, had it not been shut down by other tour groups that charged dinero from las touristas. apparently the free tour impacted their revenues so much that they filed a joint complaint and suspended the free tours. we were lucky enough to run into a former tour guide that led the free tours, and he drew circled all the important stuff to see a map.

unfortunately, we didnt know the names of any of the sites we saw on this self guided tour. this was the view from a bridge in madrid...

getting up close and personal with a statue!

a lot of massive and decorative fountains are placed in the middle of major intersections in madrid, forcing traffic around it.

El Retiro park! and some temporary art pieces hangin around in the rain.

people selling flamenco and Toreador posters outside the Reina Sofia museum. at some stores you could get the poster customized with your name printed on it. i would have purchased one but there really was no room for it in our luggage. each time we flew, the airline's allowances for luggage weight kept dropping (somewhere around 23kg for British airways... down to 15 kg for ryanair!)
a garden by the Palacio Real. the rain gave it a very dramatic look.

some other highlights from madrid:
bocadillo de calamares: calamari sandwiches. i hate seafood but i actually did enjoy the calamari
tapas: we were surprised at how big the portions were for dinner. everything was super heavy and greasy though. sausage, mushrooms... everything was drenched in sauce
el prado: it was free for two hours before closing when we went. my friend and i ran through the entire museum to see everything. its a terrible way to view art but i did stop at velazquez's section to see his work though the explanation was all in spanish and far beyond anything i could make sense of.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


We finally made it to Espana! i was looking forward to this the most, porque he estudiado espanol para seis anos en high school. i printed out 30+ pages of vocab, grammar, phrases and touched up on my spanish during the previous train rides and flights. turns out a lot of people speak english in barcelona... too bad...

anyhoo barcelona is a playground for the senses. everything looks great- the city is clean and green, lined with trees everywhere. there are so many fountains all over in plazas and near important buildings. and of course gaudi left his mark in barcelona.

the chicken paella was delicious! paired with a good sangria... mmmm
we lived right off of las ramblas, a famous street of performers, parakeet and other pet shops, and lots of pickpockets. fun fun!

las ramblas during the day. its a lil' sketch at night, swarming with prostitutes and undercover cops.
statue looking person. some of the other people looked rather terrifying

entrance to miro's park. we ultimately took a hop-on-hop-off bus tour of barcelona. i used to think it was for old people who were afraid of getting lost and having fun finding their way around... but bus tours are extremely useful especially for cities that are huge.
la sagrada familia! its enormous and something only gaudi could have come up with
still incomplete, but beautiful. cant wait till its completed, but these sorts of projects never make the expected deadlines.. i think its 2020 or sometime close to that.
parc guell, really crazy decorations and design. the girls spent a lot of time here, buying jewelery from numerous vendors. and yes i picked up something too =]
gherkin in barcelona? no.. its the torre agbar!

Casa Battlo. Didnt get a chance to go inside, but quite stunning from the street.
parrots flying around in parc miro
La Pedrera, another one of Gaudi's masterpieces.
and of course the beach, Barceloneta. it was rather chilly so we didnt get to go in the water, but still had a neat little picnic on the beach.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


so we made it to vienna, after a four hour train ride from prague. we had quite a good, relaxing time. maybe there was nightlife in vienna, but we didnt find much... nonetheless the city was quite impressive, very renaissance, and clearly wealthy when it was the heart of the Hapsburg Court/ Holy Roman Empire/ Austrian Empire/ Austro-Hungarian Empire. everything was over the top, classical, baroque. and again, really good luck with the weather

always gotta start the day off right- gelato!

Votivkirche, neo-gothic cathedral. it was under some renovation though. i think every building we visit is more or less undergoing work. all the time.
in honor of... mozart!
a journalist approached us and took a photo, for an article about spring in vienna!
feeling quite at home in this fountain
the Pestaule, one of Vienna's most famous sculptures. it was created for mercy against the plague.

Monday, May 4, 2009


Prague! one of my favorite cities i'd love to go back to. its not really sprawling, so everything is within walking distance of the center of the town. its all very gothic/ medieval looking. a lot of fun, for sure! food wasnt as cheap as i had imagined, but that's because the dollar has lost half its value in the past 5 years against the czech crown.
National Museum at Wensceslas Square.
my easter bunny cookie i devoured.
old clock tower. Astronomical Clock really gorgeous detail work

Tyn Church

Prague Castle from afar!

View of the city. it was beautiful... really what i'd imagine a European City to look like 500 years ago.
St. Vitus Cathedral. the last stop on an intense 3 hour walking tour!
relaxing in the park

czech beer!