Saturday, April 17, 2010


from the last weekend of October 2009

Xi'An was one of the ancient capitals of China, formerly known as Chang'An. It was home to many of the high dynasties of China's peak, including the Tang dynasty. It's famous for the terracotta soldiers guarding the tomb of the first Qin emperor, for Hua'Shan, one of five sacred taoist mountains in China (though there are tons of mountain ranges that are sacred to one extent or another- for resembling brothers, sisters, monkeys, flowers, clouds, Avatar, etc etc). Like many other cities in China today, Xi'An is heavily polluted and a victim of traffic and poor urban planning under communist China, though its city walls and other ancient treasures are surprisngly well preserved.First Stop: Maosoleum of Qin Shi Huang! Estimated to hold over 8,000 clay soldiers, 500+ horses. impressive indeed, and a really incredible accomplishment by any means.
my best warrior pose!
Back in Xi'An city center: a visit to the drum tower, bell tower, and the muslim night market sandwiched between the gorgeous buildings.

Then.. hike up Hua Shan! Resembles the great paintings on rice paper of mountains and trees, absolutely stunning especially when the sun was out. it was popular to purchase locks, chain it to the fence, lock it, and throw the key away so your love would forever be captured on the mountain.

beautiful view!!

me, sitting on a ledge overlooking the valley

Back to the night market for shopping, food, greasy lamb soups, and more fun.

i like the smoke effect in the photo, steam from the buns they were selling (not pictures)
The Wild Goose Pagoda at night. built for Tang Sanzang, the monk that traveled 17 years to and from India to bring back Buddhist scriptures. he was the inspiration for the epic Journey to the West (which i am still reading, on chapter 83...)

The Great Mosque of Xi'an, one of the most famous mosques in China, first built around 700AD.

Biking around the city wall. fun fun! took about two hours, the city wall is complete and around 14 km long. looks so cool to see the ancient buildings and rooftops against the city wall

my butt started hurting an hour in.
another fantastic trip in china!

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