Sunday, March 8, 2009


Mi amiga super buena went to Brussels and Brugges a while ago and brought back some amazing chocolate for me. most interestingly perhaps, was a "HotChocSpoon" from the Chocolate Company

I didnt want to indulge in my hotchocspoon (mint edition) too soon, so i let it sit in the corner of my desk for some time. But today i had an urge to try it, after an intense weekend of studying (which is short for reading absolutely nothing at all!!) so i dunked my hotchocspoon in a mug of steaming milk, and stirred

and stirred some more
aha- a delicious cup of hot chocolate. I doubt i made it correctly as the label required "200 cc" of cream. huh? but whatevs, its still good to me!
back to intense studying mode...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. harrison! looks like you're having fun in london/europe! loving the blog... pictures do speak a thousand words. keep it up! =)
