Monday, February 9, 2009

Paris trip!

First trip outside of the UK- took a 2 hr 30 minute Eurostar ride to Paris! i'll also add wikipedia links for more info on some of the sights and such, in case you want more information. because wikipedia is always right...
Oscar Wilde's grave. He's still immensely popular and women leave kisses all over his tomb. graffiti included "el que no ha amado no ha vivido" meaning "he who has not loved has not lived" yes i still remember my spanish!
Catacombs of Paris. really shocking and unreal in the beginning. but after a dozen hallways of bones the shock wears off and you just want to get outta there!
Sunset from the Eiffel Tower. as my friend pointed out, its like a scene from Ratatouille!

The Eiffel Tower, massive when you get close. really stunning and beautiful

Hall of mirrors in Versailles. funny story: i purposely picked up an audioguide in Mandarin to one up all my other friends. but i could barely understand any of it and had to switch when i got to this room because the hall of mirrors is just that important!

Notre Dame, where quasimoto yells out SANCTUARY!! in the fantastic disney adaptation
nutella crepe. SO GOOD!!

do not know the name of this statue, but really romantic

outside the louvre.

I had to go to the moulin rouge (movie link- one of my favorites!) before i left. at the heart of the red light district in Marmont!

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